
Brochures, Posters, and Fliers

Summer Kid’s Camp Banner and Poster Series

This series of graphics were created to highlight summer camps at a local church. The goal was to draw attention and direct people to the church website to learn more and encourage campers to sign up.

Easter Weekend Flier and Poster

This poster was used to highlight a unique Easter Weekend Experience. The design is meant to reflect the location and events that took place leading up to and after Jesus’ death and resurrection.


2022 | Adobe Illustrator


Young Life Area Summary

This booklet was created for Young Life North Shore’s annual fund raiser banquet. This contains existing branding and colors.

Rudolph DeHarak Brochure

This brochure was created to share information about and display the work of graphic designer Rudolph DeHarak.

2016 | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe InDesign | Created in undergrad

Sell Sheets

The sell sheets below were designed using an existing brand. They were printed and distributed to current and prospective clients to share products and services offered by Premier.

2017 | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe InDesign

Cake Pops by Helen

This double sided self-mailer was created to share contact information for a local business.

2020 | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator